Friday, December 12, 2008

Bad Signs

One of my biggest pet peeves is when something is either misspelled or the wrong word is used! However, this is pretty funny, given the context. Taken at St. George's own Holiday Inn. I passed this sign on two different days and it still hadn't been changed. I couldn't resist taking a picture. It totally made my day! Awesome!


laninaki said...

Even disregarding the poor spelling, it's still a dumb sign.

leinani45 said...

too bad they corrected it. :(

Sara Ann said...

Ha ha! That is great, "your mom goes to college" ha ha. Remember when Dixie college had a misspelled sign?

Jenilyn said...

Susi girl! Hello!!! I found your blog through leilani's! I'm glad i crack me up! I too hate when things are not spelled correctly! how are you?