Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jumping on the Bandwagon

For anyone who knows me rather well, you know that I don't like jumping on bandwagons. I have yet to read any of the "Harry Potter" books or heaven-forbid the "Twilight" series. I like to do things in my own time, on my own schedule without societal pressures. However, on this one topic I fear I will have to make an exception and jump on the bandwagon. Since President Packer's remarks in General Conference nearly three weeks ago, the press and online blogs have been a feeding frenzy, with protests, petitions and public outcries. So, to add to all the pennies thrown, here is my two-cents.

As a leader of a worldwide faith that I am most honored to be a part of, President Packer's words (I believe) were truly inspired. Apparently, there were some things that needed to be said during that conference. I do believe that marriage should be between a man and woman. I do think that homosexuality is an unnatural tendency. However, I've always been taught by awesome parents that we "love the sinner, hate the sin." I have several family members (cousins and the like) and friends who are gay. I love them. I don't condone or excuse their lifestyle, nor am I going to disregard their own free agency. However, just don't throw it in my face. One particular thing that did get my riled up was the picture below.

This picture was taken at a homecoming parade here in town. Yes, I understand that you are taking a stand for the LGBT community in Southern Utah and at Dixie State College. However, that does not give you credence to desecrate the American flag with your stupidity. Just saying...

Why can't we all just get along?

1 comment:

leinani45 said...

FOR REAL! So done with everyone attacking Pres. Packer. He said things that needed to be heard, and it wasn't even that bad. He simply stated what the church's stance on homosexuality is. AKA--we believe it's wrong.

The thing I get the biggest kick out of is that they whine about not having their rights recognized, whilst ignoring the rights of others. If you don't like what President Packer said--DON'T WATCH!