Friday, November 19, 2010

The Path to Self-Discovery...

is long and winding! I've made some recent changes in my life that will hopefully continue to keep me in happiness and a zen-like state. :) I quit my job two weeks ago and have been unemployed, but have an encouraging prospect for a path that may lead me down that proverbial yellow-brick road. Know that since the decision, I have been happier and definitely less-stressed! See the picture below, taken by my amazing photographer friend Suzzanne Dockendorf. Part of my transformation...more to come!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jumping on the Bandwagon

For anyone who knows me rather well, you know that I don't like jumping on bandwagons. I have yet to read any of the "Harry Potter" books or heaven-forbid the "Twilight" series. I like to do things in my own time, on my own schedule without societal pressures. However, on this one topic I fear I will have to make an exception and jump on the bandwagon. Since President Packer's remarks in General Conference nearly three weeks ago, the press and online blogs have been a feeding frenzy, with protests, petitions and public outcries. So, to add to all the pennies thrown, here is my two-cents.

As a leader of a worldwide faith that I am most honored to be a part of, President Packer's words (I believe) were truly inspired. Apparently, there were some things that needed to be said during that conference. I do believe that marriage should be between a man and woman. I do think that homosexuality is an unnatural tendency. However, I've always been taught by awesome parents that we "love the sinner, hate the sin." I have several family members (cousins and the like) and friends who are gay. I love them. I don't condone or excuse their lifestyle, nor am I going to disregard their own free agency. However, just don't throw it in my face. One particular thing that did get my riled up was the picture below.

This picture was taken at a homecoming parade here in town. Yes, I understand that you are taking a stand for the LGBT community in Southern Utah and at Dixie State College. However, that does not give you credence to desecrate the American flag with your stupidity. Just saying...

Why can't we all just get along?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Irony of It All

Yes, it's been over a year since my last post. And you may be asking yourself, "What would prompt Susi to post after a nearly 13 month sabbatical?" The answer: the owner of the Segway machines passed away. A brief moment of silence before I tell you how....
He died on a Segway. Now a brief moment for laughter. :)

Yes, the owner of Segway, Jimi Heselden, ironically died on a Segway after he apparently drove it off a cliff and into a river. The very thing he loved was also literally, his downfall. What's even more ironic is that he died just days prior to the company releasing information on safety measures and procedures regarding riding the Segway.

Yes, this "one hit wonder," I fear has seen it's last day. With high profile people having mishaps (including former U.S. President George W. Bush not being able to get on it, and America's Got Talent judge and soon-to-be CNN host Piers Morgan falling off), I'm surprised they are still around. I will give it to Segway owner Jimi Heselden one of Britain's richest people who just purchased the company, he was also one of the most generous. As ironic, funny and untimely as his death was, he led a fascinating life...growing up poor in Leeds, England, leaving school at 15 to work in the mines and then staying in his hometown to build up his company. In 1990, he founded Hesco Bastion, which if we have ever had any friends or family in the warzones in Iraq and Afghanistan, we should be so lucky that Jimi was alive to see this company into prosperity. Hesco is a company that makes concertina barriers that are filled with dirt and junk used to protect military bases and secure areas. Essentially, they are everywhere in warzones. Maybe he needed one of these barriers by the cliff.

Yes, overall, Jimi's death is quite tragic--on all accounts.